Mass Bookings, Tradition Continues and Carols by Candles

Mass Bookings

Bookings have now been taken for anniversary masses during the months of January, February and March so if you missed the bookings and would like to book a mass during these times then please contact Linda Spillane on 087-9838392 and she will arrange a date for you.


Christmas Church News

The new yearly pack of collection envelopes are now available in the church so please take your pack home. If you are new to the area or dont have a pack please give your name to Ann in the sacristy and she will sort a pack for you.

Special Christmas envelopes are now being distributed for the annual Christmas collection for the support of the priests of the parish. You can also use the envelope in your yearly pack or an ordinary envelope. The priests know that there are a lot of demands on you at this time but ask you to be as generous as possible as this is an important part of the priests salary.

There is a little change to the Christmas masss times this Christmas with Christmas Eve mass going ahead at 9pm and the Christmas morning mass at 10.30am.


Tradition Continues

A big thank you and well done to Arthur Curry who carries on the wonderful tradition set by his father of putting lights on a Christmas tree in the green in Ballyduff. This really looks fantastic as you pass through the village and is a very welcome enhancement to our area. I know that both of Arthurs’ parents would be very proud of him for carrying on this tradition in the parish they both loved very much.

Carols By Candles

On Wednesday December 11th people made their way to St. Nicholas’s church in Ballyduff for a very special night of music and song. As you arrived at the church you were greeted by the sweet aroma of freshly designed floral arrangements, the dancing flickers of candlelight and the sweet sounds of singers and musicians fine tuning their instruments. Our local choir were busy preparing for their Christmas carol service and welcoming their invited singers and musicians.

It was really wonderful to see such a large crowd attend on the night and each one of them were treated to something very special. Our own local choir under the direction of Bridget Jordan sang some beautiful well known carols and were accompanied by very talented musicians Sinead Crowley on piano, John Stephenson on guitar, Liam Daly on French Horn and Ger Dowyer on flute. Soprano trio Dulcet treated us to some beautiful classical pieces and their beautiful blend of harmonies filled the church. Some seasonal readings were also read with great dignity by Pat Murphy, Jessica O Leary, Ava Dooley, Jack Lyons and Aedin Ni Fuarthain.

During the interval collection buckets were passed around and I am delighted to tell you that a fantastic amount of €1,325 was raised for The Solas Centre. I dont have to explain to any of you about the wonderful service provided by The Solas centre not only to its patients but to their families also.

This trully was a night to remember and a huge well done must go to all who had any hand in preparing it. A big thank you must go to Sherlock and Eleanor Foley who donated all the flowers for the church and gifts on the night. They are always so kind and generous to local events. Congratulations to Joan Cheasty and Ann Nolan for having the church looking so beautiful, Jessica O Leary for the design and printing of the booklet and to all who gave their time in any way.

Following the concert everyone headed to the community centre for a lovely cuppa and some refreshments. A big thank you to all the ladies who catered for the event everything was delicious.