Silver Couple, Clothes Collection and Confirmation Day

Silver Couple

Warmest congratulations and good wishes to Shay and Edel Searson, Gortaclode who recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Edel also celebrated her 50th birthday this month so there are plenty of reasons to celebrate. Celebrations are very different during these times but I know that the Searsons won’t leave that stop them and they will have their own special celebrations at home with their children Amber and Scott and of course not forgetting their dogs Poppy and Bailey. We wish this happy couple the very best of happiness and many more years of wedded bliss to come.


Clothes Collection

Our local soccer club will host a charity clothes collection this week at their grounds in Ballyduff. I’m sure with people refined to their homes there has been many a wardrobe and hot press cleaned out and that there are a few bags of clothes waiting to be disposed of when places open again. You can now get rid of the clutter while supporting charity by dropping them to Ballyduff Soccer club on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday of this week between the hours of 12 noon to 6pm. The dressing rooms will be open for you to drop off your bags and we would ask that you would adhere to HSE guidelines for Covid 19 and please observe social distancing.

Recent Death
We are saddened to hear of the death of Joe Burke, Carrick Beg. Joe was a former resident of Coolagadden, Kilmeaden and is predeceased by his wife Maureen Burke(nee O Keeffe). We extend

our deepest sympathy to his children, grandchildren and extended family and we remember them all in our thoughts and our prayers. Ar Dheis De Go Raibh Se.


Local Entrepreneur

It was wonderful during the week to read about local entrepreneur Fionn Barron of Kildermody. Fionn is one of the co founders of Irish technology firm Tracworx. The firm has developed a Wifi patient tracking system to help hospitals in their bid to tackle Covid 19. The tracking system uses existing wifi networks in hospitals allowing healthcare facilities to automate their data collection and generate reports using real time and date. The Limerick based company have been quick to repurpose their technology to meet the immediate challenges mounted by the Covid 19 pandemic. This version of their product helps with social distancing and tracing back where contacts have been indoors. It gives complete transparency to hospitals as to where their patients have been which can directly support this contact tracing effort. Tracworx was established in 2016 by college students Chris Kelly, Eoin O Brien and Kilmeadens own Fionn Barron. The company use all Irish based suppliers. They have extended their operations into the UK and have plans to expand further into the European market. It is wonderful to see such initiative and vision in a young company and we wish them the very best of success in the future.


Confirmation Day

We send warm wishes to all the young ladies and gentlemen from 5th and 6th classes in Ballyduff N.S who were due to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday May 27th in Ballyduff church. Although they are disappointed their special day will come eventually and I know that it will be celebrated in style. Until then we will continue to remember them in our prayers and I am sure that their families will mark this Wednesday in a special way.

Garda Assurance, Message for You and Thank You

Garda Assurance

Tramore Garda would like to reassure people that they are more than willing to assist and support all those in the community during the Covid 19 pandemic. They can be contacted on 051 391620


Message for You.

Both our priests Fr. Mick and Fr. Richard send their good wishes to all of you parishioners and hope that you are all keeping safe and well. Both of them offer daily mass for the continued good health and safety of us all. A reminder that daily mass is offered by Fr. Richard and can be viewed on the parish Facebook page. Just search for parish of Portlaw/Ballyduff and you can not only view daily mass but also the Angelus, the Rosary and some beautiful and uplifting pieces of scripture and readings. We thank Fr. Richard for all his work with this as it is a wonderful way to feel part of the community. Please remember both priests daily in your prayers also.

Help Available

A reminder to any of one who are still staying home and are maybe nervous about going out that there are many people willing to help with maybe getting groceries, prescriptions, posting a letter or anyhting else. Many community groups and individuals are more than willing to help you out as are the Garda and Council staff. If you are not too sure of the contact name for any group please contact me and I will see that you are looked after. My number is 087-9838392.


Community Alert

Although many community groups cannot hold meetings etc it does not mean that work has ceased. Our local community alert remain vigilant and encourage you to report any suspicious behaviour that you may notice to Garda. Remember our text alert scheme stays active at all times and you will be informed through that of any activity or news. Members of our group are also ready and willing to help anyone who may need.

Thank You

Once again a heartfelt thank you to all who are working so hard for the good of us all. We truly appreciate all that you are doing and the sacrifices you are making. We hope that you remain safe and well and look forward to the day we can thank you in person.

Fabulous At 50, Special Day and Local Business

Recent Death

We extend our deepest sympathy to all the Carberry and Power families on the recent death of Kathleen Carberry(nee Power) of Whelansbridge. Kathleen is survived by her husband Billy, daughters Paula and Angela, grandchildren and all family members and friends. Kathleen’s funeral mass took place in St. Marys, Ballygunner and she was laid to rest in the adjoining cemetery. We pray that she now rests in peace and that the Lord will have mercy on her soul.

Fabulous At 50

We send many good wishes to birthday girl Edel Searson, Gortaclode who recently celebrated her 50th birthday. I have no doubt that if things had been 100% back to normal then there would have been many many nights out to celebrate this event. However nothing stops the Searsons and so Shay, Amber and Scott pulled out all the stops so that Edel could enjoy a night full of glamour, sophistication and elegance and that was just the four of them attending and of course their dogs Poppy and Bailey who added the sophistication. I’m sure Edel enjoyed her special day and will make up the celebrating in due course. Happy birthday Edel you are most definetly fab at 50!


Birthday Boy

There were also 50th birthday celebrations in the home of former Blacknock resident Pat O Keeffe. Pat emigrated to Portlaw some years back but is of course a regular visitor here in Kilmeaden. I know that his wife Ann and sons Jack and Conor will have made sure that Pat enjoyed every minute of his day and was spoiled. We wish Pat many more happy birthdays.

Birthday Girl

Lots of special birthdays taking place in the month of May. Blacknock lady Lisa Burns celebrated her 30th birthday and I’m sure she was treated to a delicious cake from Kilmeaden Bakes. Birthday celebrations will continue for the year I’m sure so clear your calendar. We wish Lisa many more happy birthdays to come.

Special Day
Saturday May 9th should have been a very special exciting day for the boys and girls in 2nd class in Ballyduff NS. It should have been their First Holy Communion Day but unfortunately in present conditions their special day has been put on hold. I know this is very disappointing for them all and their families but their special day has not been cancelled it is simply on hold and will always be special no matter when it is. Lots of plans and arrangements had been made but can easily be rearranged. It is much more important that they are all kept safe and well as they are all very precious. I hear on the grapevine that each of the boys and girls received a lovely letter during the week from their teacher Ms. Ryan which was a beautiful thoughtful thing to do. We look forward to First Holy Communion Day in the future months and know that it will be a wonderful day.


Local Business

I hear many people saying that they would love something nice to eat and of course you and I both know that we will never manage to find that “something nice” at home in the cupboards. Local lady Annette Atkins runs her business Kilmeaden Bake’s from her home on the Lacka Road. Many of you may have tasted some of Annettes baking at the Suir Valley Railway or prehaps you were treated to a birthday or celebration cake. Annette offers a wide selection of cakes, buns and desserts as well as traditional irish soda bread.Your only problem will be what to pick? Orders can be collected or delivered. If you would like some more information you can take a look on her facebook page Kilmeaden Bake’s or contact Annette on 085-2860821.

Wedded Bliss, Young Ladies and Welcome Grace

Birthday Boy

We send warm birthday wishes to John Fitzgerald, Carrickphilip who recently celebrated his 70th birthday. I’m sure John celebrated in style even with all the restrictions and that Martha and the family made sure the occasion was marked. I have no doubt that when restrictions are lifted John may enjoy a pint or two of lemonade with a few friends. We wish John continues good health and happiness.

Wedded Bliss

Cupids arrow certainly hit this couple when they met many years ago. Claudio and Deirdre Giani recently celebrated 34 years of happy marriage. This lovely couple are as much in love today as the day they met. I know they are enjoying their time off together with lots of cooking and gardening on the agenda and I have no doubt that there is plenty of fun being had also with their pride and joy grandson Marco. We wish Claudio and Deirdre many more years of wedded bliss.

Birthday Girl

I hear that another young lady recently celebrated her birthday also. Anne Atkins, Blacknock celebrated her 75th with her family and I’d say she was treated to a very tasty cake. Hope Anne enjoyed her day and many more birthdays to come.

Young Ladies

Two young ladies in the Ballygarron area recently turned that important age of 18. Alannah Whelan and Bonnie O Reilly I’m sure would have loved to be out celebrating with all their friends but I’m sure that both families made sure that the girls had a wonderful day. There will be plenty of time to celebrate in the months ahead and I’m sure there will be lots of nights out

21st Anniversary

Congratulations to Karl and Joan Cheasty,Tigroe who recently celebrated their 21st wedding anniversary. We hope this lovely couple enjoyed their special day and I’m sure their children Sammantha, Rebecca and Aaron made their parents day very special. May they enjoy many more happy and healthy days of marriage.


Welcome Grace

It is nice to get some good news in the middle of all the gloomy news. Damien and Majella Hennessy, owners of Gala Kilmeaden welcomed their beautiful new baby girl into the world. Baby Grace arrived to join her mam and dad and brother and sister and form a lovely little family. We all send our warmest congratulations and look forward to meeting baby Grace in the weeks and months ahead.

Month of May.

Without doubt the month of May is probably my favourite month of the year. I love the freshness and colours, the new birth and of course I have always had a strong devotion to our lady. I urge you to explore the beauty of May in nature all around you. I jotted down a little few lines that came to mind when I thought of May and would like to share them with you if you don’t mind.
Oh beautiful month of May

You always bring such joy

With your abundance of freshness and beauty

Not just for us adults, but also every girl and boy.

Your bright stunning colours

bring a smile to the face of everyone.

As they notice fresh blooms and colours

While baby calves and lambs prance and have fun.

May brings hope, new growth and promise of new birth.

And we are blessed to share it all here on planet Earth.

Time Moves On, New Talents and Schools Out

Time Moves On

As we all continue to do our very best during these weird and wonderful times that we find ourselves in, it is heartwarming to see such kindness, compassion and that wonderful community spirit I am always raving about. Whether people are getting groceries for others, collecting prescriptions, dropping dinners,or making a phonecall for a chat or sending a text to check if someone is ok. All these things mean the world to people and can make things that little bit easier for someone. Please continue the good work and we will all get through this together.

New Talents

I am hearing lots of stories of people learning new skills while they are at home. There are people finding their culinary skills and cooking up a storm and I am going to need proof so please drop your creations on my doorstep.Some people are learning a new musical instrument which will come in handy for all the parties when this is all over. Others have taken up things like knitting, crocheting, writing poetry, books or songs. Have you taken up anything interesting? Why not let me know, you might even inspire others.

Schools Out
A big well done to all our primary and secondary school students who are keeping up their school work on line and doing the assignments which are being sent onto them by their teachers. Well done also to the many teachers in our area who are compiling work for their students to do.

A big well done also to the pupils from Jelly Tots playschool who drew some beautiful pictures of rainbows to brighten up peoples days. These were shown on a special Facebook page in case any of you think that I have been out and about too much.

Thinking Caps

With everything cancelled and on hold there are not many items for me to tell you about so if you have any ideas or would like to wish someone a happy birthday, anniversary, engagement then please let me know and lets spread some good news. You can contact me on 087 9838392 or please by Thursday evening of each week.