GAA News
Our local GAA club are delighted to announce that they are back in action for all age groups. Many changes have been made to ensure everyones safety. The coaches for each group will have all the details you need. The club are looking forward to getting back to training and games and welcoming the community back.
A special mention must go to all who volunteered for the Covid 19 support action group. The sense of community was amazing as the club helped out people in need of support. It showed as always that the club is community based and community led.
Church News
The following is a message from our Parish Priest Fr. Richard O Halloran:
Friends we look forward to welcoming you all back to your church for our Eucharistic celebrations. We ask that parishioners follow the simple pieces of advice provided as they enter the Church from hand sanitation to marked seating to social distancing etiquette.
For the duration of the Co-vid 19 crisis, the following is the schedule of masses for Portlaw/Ballyduff from June 29th 2020. They will be reviewed on a monthly basis
Please take note of changes to certain mass times and the extra masses on Saturday mornings.
Tuesday 7.30pm
Wednesday 10am
Saturday 11.30am and 6pm
Sunday 11am.
Thursday 7.30pm
Friday 10am
Saturday 10am and 7.30pm
Sunday 9.30am
Saturday morning masses are extra weekend masses and will be for parishioners over 70 years of age and a member or two of their families. This is not to make them feel more isolated than they may already feel but just to offer them a comfortable assured space as they attend Curch in what continues to be worrying times. Of course they are free to attend any mass they wish.
No weekend anniversary masses will be offered for the time being and individual baptisms will be celebrated until further notice. Basket collections will not take place during mass but we simply ask for people to use the boxes provided in our church porches as they enter or leave the Church to make their weekly contribution.s
Could we also make an appeal for weekly and Easter priest collection envelopes to be returned at peoples convenience and I thank those who have already done so.
See You All Very Soon
Fr. Richard O Halloran.
Moment of Solidarity
A big well done to our friends from the Portlaw Community Alert group who organised a book of condolences at Portlaw Garda Station for Detective Garda Colm Horkan. The group made sure that all Covid 19 restrictions were adhered to. Garda Horkan was shot down in the line of duty and this was a shark reminder to us all of the risks taken by our Garda as they head out to work each day. It was a beautiful moment of solidarity as the large crowd gathered at Portlaw Garda Station and stood for a minutes silence with Sergeant Deirdre O Neill and Garda Brian Quirke
Your Notes
Slowly but surely we are starting to return to some kind of normal so let people know what is happening within your club or group by contacting me and I will let people know through these notes. You can contact me Linda Spillane on 087-9838392 or or indeed stop me for a chat(social distancing of course)