Christmas Masses, Congratulations Calum and Christmas Princess

Christmas Masses
In keeping with the current restrictions which limits the amount of people allowed at church ceremonies to 50, there will be a number of Christmas masses celebrated during the week to accommodate everyone over the Christmas season. It is suggested that people choose one of the masses which will all be identical in terms of music, readings, prayers and blessings and will fulfill a persons Christmas religious observance.
A list of masses will follow:
Tuesday December 22nd at 7pm
Wednesday December 23rd at 7pm
Thursday December 24th at 10am and 8pm
Friday December 25th at 9.30am and 10.30am
Saturday December 26th at 12 noon.
Sunday December 27th at 10am
Fr Richard and Fr.Mick have asked me to wish you all a very happy Christmas and will be remembering you all in their prayers.


Congratulations Calum

Although we were all disappointed not to welcome Liam McCarthy back to Waterford we are all very proud of the Waterford team and of course in particular of our own Calum Lyons who gave 100% to every game and brought a great sense of pride and excitement to everyone in the parish. His club and parish are very proud of his dedication and commitment and he is a great example to all the young boys and girls of where hard work and commitment can take you.

Princess for Christmas
Karen and John Paul Browne received a lovely Christmas present last week as they welcomed their beautiful baby girl into the world. Baby Hollie arrived to join big sister Mia and I’m sure in time they will be as thick as thieves. Karen is of course a very popular teacher in Ballyduff NS. We wish the happy family a very happy Christmas together and we hope Santa is very kind,

Christmas Wishes
As we face into the Christmas season I wish each and every one of you a very happy Christmas and every best wish of health and happiness for the New Year.
I would like to send a big thank you to all who contribute to these notes from week to week and I look forward to hearing from you next year please God. Please take care of yourself and those around you.

Ballyduff GAA and Christmas Masses

Ballyduff GAA

Some groups have been really spurred on by Waterford’s appearance in the All Ireland final as they continue to train and play games during these strange times. A big thank you to all the parents and coaches for all their hard work and dedication. A big well done to all the club members who assisted in giving the areas a splash of colour in the run up to Sunday’s game. The flags and bunting have really lifted the spirits of everyone and well done to all the community who have their county colours flying high. The club held a virtual AGM recently with all officers remaining in their positions for the New Year. The amount of work done by the officers and committee is wonderful and all in the club are very grateful to them for their dedication and commitment. Our Chairperson is John O Leary, our Secretary is Philip Hoban and our Treasurer is David Power. The club extends a big welcome to new committee members Denise Brazil, Alan Galvin Sarah Roche and Nina Walsh. The club is delighted to have your support and help.

Christmas Masses

In line with the COVID restrictions there will be extra masses offered for Christmas to ensure everybody’s safety. We would ask that you choose the mass which suits you best. All masses will count as your Christmas mass and liturgy, music etc will be the same. The Christmas collection for the support of the people of the parish will be taken up at all these masses.
Tuesday Dec 22nd 7pm
Wednesday Dec 23rd 7pm
Thursday Dec 24th 10am and 8pm
Friday Dec 25th 9.30am and 10.30am
Saturday Dec 26th 12 noon
Sunday Dec 27th 10am

Church News, Community Centre and Ballyduff GAA

Church News
We are all delighted to return to our weekend masses. There will be two masses each Saturday at 10am and 7.30pm and on Sunday morning at 9.30am. There are still some dates available during the month of December if you want to book an anniversary mass for a loved one. You can do so by contacting myself on 087 9838392.


Birthday Boy
Congratulations and best wishes to John Mackey Ross Kilmeaden who recently celebrated his 65th birthday. We hope that he had a wonderful day and I’m sure his loving wife Maria made sure he was spoiled on his special day along with their children and beloved grandchildren. Of course John and Maria’s marriage is a very successful Waterford and Limerick Union so I hope there won’t be too much disharmony on the 13th.

Community Centre
Our local community centre committee are delighted to announce that they have recently renovated the ladies toilets in the old hall. The area has been completely tiled and fitted with new cubicles including one which is wheelchair accessible. This work was funded mainly by a grant administered by the HSE from National Lottery funding. They are also very grateful to our major sponsor Donal Hickson, Centra Kilmeaden and also for sponsorship received from Ballyduff Youth Drama and Deirdre Giani. They have also been fortunate enough to also receive a grant from Waterford City and County Council under the Community Enhancement Programme to allow us to renovate the old gents toilets. This work is currently underway and will be to the same standard as the ladies. This work would not be possible without the generosity of the sponsors and the committee really appreciate it.
The committee now look forward to the return of all the activities in the community hall when COVID 19 restrictions are lifted.


Ballyduff GAA
Everybody in Ballyduff GAA and indeed everyone in the community are so excited and full of hope for the fast approaching All Ireland Final. We are all so proud of local lad Calum Lyons who has given us so many brilliant displays of hurling and put his heart and soul into each game. This team has given us all a lift in a year when we needed a lift. Our support and encouragement is right behind you Calum and your teammates. We wish you the very best of luck and enjoy every minute of this very special occasion for you and your very proud family.

Silver Couple, School News and Dr. Martin Centre

Silver Couple
We send our warmest congratulations and best wishes to local couple John and Valarie Carroll, Johnstown who recently celebrated 25 years of wedded bliss. I’m sure that the happy couple enjoyed a nice celebration at home with their sons and daughters. We wish this happy couple many more happy and healthy years to come.


Recent Deaths
We send our deepest sympathy to Mick Morrissey Blacknock on the recent death of his sister Mary. Mary Andrews passed away in Mayday Hospital Croyden. Mary served as a nurse in Coulsdon until her retirement. She is predeceased by her husband Jack. We send our deepest sympathy to her daughter Ria, to Mick and to all the family.
We extend our condolences to Alison Cornwell, Ballyduff West on the recent death of her beloved sister. Beverley Priest(nee Jacob) Milton Keynes and formerly of Dominics Place and Tivoli Terrace Tramore. She will be sadly missed by her husband Mark, her mother Pauline, brother Anthony, sisters Collette, Alison Fiona and Paula and many more relatives and friends. We hope that Beverley now rests in peace.


School News
We send our deepest sympathy to our wonderful school secretary in Ballyduff N. S Mary Heffernan on the recent death of her mother. The funeral mass of Eileen Hickey took place in The Holy Cross church Tramore followed by burial in Butlerstown cemetery. We pray that she now rests in peace.
Mary Brennan has been a teacher and more recently Vice Principal of Ballyduff NS for many years and has given wonderful commitment and service. We are sad to announce that Mary will retire at Christmas but we all wish her a wonderful retirement full of joy and happiness.
We congratulate our 5th class teacher Mr. Stapleton who will now take on the role of Vice Principal. We wish him every success and happiness in his new role.


Christmas Camp

Coerver Coaching Waterford will host two Christmas soccer camps in Waterford for girls and boys aged 6 to 12. Stradbally AFC will host on December 28th and 29th while Hibernian will play host December 30th and 31st. Online booking is essential as places are limited. To book please log on to

Dr. Martin Centre

The Dr. Martin Centre in Portlaw remains open 3 days a week but unfortunately they are unable to welcome members. They would still like to reassure people that they are available to give help and support in any way they can. They are now available to deliver outside the village so if you need shopping or prescriptions collected or just fancy a chat you can call 051-387111 or 087-4611309. A nice hot fresh dinner can also be delivered daily for just €7.50. Please ring in your before 10.30am each day.