Christmas Masses
In keeping with the current restrictions which limits the amount of people allowed at church ceremonies to 50, there will be a number of Christmas masses celebrated during the week to accommodate everyone over the Christmas season. It is suggested that people choose one of the masses which will all be identical in terms of music, readings, prayers and blessings and will fulfill a persons Christmas religious observance.
A list of masses will follow:
Tuesday December 22nd at 7pm
Wednesday December 23rd at 7pm
Thursday December 24th at 10am and 8pm
Friday December 25th at 9.30am and 10.30am
Saturday December 26th at 12 noon.
Sunday December 27th at 10am
Fr Richard and Fr.Mick have asked me to wish you all a very happy Christmas and will be remembering you all in their prayers.
Congratulations Calum
Although we were all disappointed not to welcome Liam McCarthy back to Waterford we are all very proud of the Waterford team and of course in particular of our own Calum Lyons who gave 100% to every game and brought a great sense of pride and excitement to everyone in the parish. His club and parish are very proud of his dedication and commitment and he is a great example to all the young boys and girls of where hard work and commitment can take you.
Princess for Christmas
Karen and John Paul Browne received a lovely Christmas present last week as they welcomed their beautiful baby girl into the world. Baby Hollie arrived to join big sister Mia and I’m sure in time they will be as thick as thieves. Karen is of course a very popular teacher in Ballyduff NS. We wish the happy family a very happy Christmas together and we hope Santa is very kind,
Christmas Wishes
As we face into the Christmas season I wish each and every one of you a very happy Christmas and every best wish of health and happiness for the New Year.
I would like to send a big thank you to all who contribute to these notes from week to week and I look forward to hearing from you next year please God. Please take care of yourself and those around you.