Autumn Stations.
It is that time of year already for the Autumn stations masses to begin. This is a lovely old tradition where people come together in someones home to pray for the people of their area. It is also a lovely opportunity to get together with your neighbours whom you may not get to see very often due to the busy lives we all lead.
The first of the station masses will take place on Friday September 25th at 8pm in the home of Louise and Dermot Dooley for the areas of Kilmagemogue, Ross, Kildermody and Lower Carriganure. On Friday October 2nd it will be the turn of Ballyduff Village, Ballyduff Hill and Ballyduff West. This mass will take place in the church at 7.30pm. On Wednesday October 7th the mass for Adamstown, Ballyduff East and Matthews Cross will be in the home of Siobhan and Dick Walsh at 8pm. I will carry a full list of station masses over the coming weeks so keep an eye out for your area.
God Bless Volunteers.
Fr.Mick has asked me to say a huge thank you to all the volunteers who painted the main church porch and the outside entrance walls over the past week. They have done a wonderful job and may I offer my thanks on behalf of us parishioners also. We pray that you may be rewarded for your kindness and generosity with happiness and good health.
Liz Hayes Memorial Run/Walk
The organisers of the Liz Hayes Memorial Run/Walk would like to thank everyone who turned up to take part in this event. Unfortunately the weather decided not to be kind and so many crossed the line soaked in rain not sweat. However spirits were still high and people made the best of the situation. A big thank you to all the organisers and anybody who helped in any way.
A Ballyduff Win.
Huge congratulations to the Under 11 soccer team who had a 2-0 win over Portlaw recently in The Terry Butler Cup. Although I wasn’t at it myself I heard reports back of a very impressive team effort and I’m sure Terry himself had a little smile down as the boys brought the cup home to the Ballyduff club to which Terry shared hours of his time and his talent over many years and I know Eleanor, Rachael and Darren are honoured to present a cup in his honour.
Pilate Classes.
Pilate classes will begin in Ballyduff Community Centre on Monday evenings at 8pm. The cost of these classes will be €40 for the five week course and it is hoped to keep classes small. If you require any further information please contact Ger on 087-2259475.
Off To The Movies.
Do you fancy an afternoon watching an old fashioned film or musical? It is hoped that the more senior members of our community would come together on Monday afternoons to relax and watch a good old fashioned film or musical. The first of these afternoons will take place in Ballyduff Community Centre on Monday October 5th at 2.30pm and all are welcome to come along and enjoy a movie, a cuppa and some company.
Tidy Towns
The local Tidy Towns group will have a litter pick up in Kilmeaden along the main road on Tuesday evening 22nd and all volunteers would be welcomed.
Our Tidy Towns group are doing a great job and it is up to us all to do our best to help them. If I could just have a little rant please. If you are walking your dog around Ballyduff Village please clean up any mess he might make. On recent occasions I have to clean a childs shoe going into school because he stepped on dog poo in the carpark and another lady got it on her shoe outside the church heading into mass. You know yourself the horrible smell this brings into a room if someone carries it on their shoe so please it only takes a minute to clean it up. Rant over now thanks!!
Coffee Morning.
A big thank you to all who came along to the coffee morning in aid of The Hospice in O Donnachas lately and to everyone who contributed to the cause . A fabulous sum of €375 was raised and will be given to the Waterford branch of the Hospice.
A beautiful boy.
Huge congratulations to Hughie and Sarah Maher on the birth of their beautiful baby boy Freddy recently. What a lucky young man Freddy is because he has his two sisters Nancy and Frankie waiting at home to teach him everything they know and all the tricks of the trade. We wish Freddy and his family every health and happiness.