New Service
“Call to Chat” is a new service by the OPC(Old persons council) and Waterford libraries. This is aimed at the older people in our communities who prehaps feel lonely and fancy a chat about gardening, activities for the cocooned, keeping fit, discuss a tv programme or a book you have read or whatever topic interests you. All you have to do is call the freephone number 1800 250 185 and ask for a call to chat and they will arrange for someone to give you a call.
Help is at Hand
Please remember that there is plenty of help out there for anyone who may need help getting groceries, prescriptions etc. There are many people in our community who are more than willing to help. If you would like some help you can give me a call on 087-9838392 and I will sort it out for you.
As I also told you last week also our local gardai are doing a wonderful job helping people out and co-ordinating things in our aea is Garda Tammy Hehir and she can be contacted on 086-8581044.
Beauty of Nature
I don’t know if I am imagining things but looking around my own and my parents gardens all the plants and shrubs seem to have more colour and bloom than other years. It is heartwarming to see such a burst of colour in these dismal times and I like to think that this planned by Mother Nature knowing that we need a particular lift this year. People are now getting time to spend in their gardens and enjoy the beauty around them and we need all that beauty to lift our spirits while we are obeying the restrictions. Take the time to enjoy all the beautiful sights, smells and sounds of nature. Too many times you hear people say ” I haven’t time” or I’m in a rush”, well there is no excuse now and we have been shown that there is always time.