Time Moves On
As we all continue to do our very best during these weird and wonderful times that we find ourselves in, it is heartwarming to see such kindness, compassion and that wonderful community spirit I am always raving about. Whether people are getting groceries for others, collecting prescriptions, dropping dinners,or making a phonecall for a chat or sending a text to check if someone is ok. All these things mean the world to people and can make things that little bit easier for someone. Please continue the good work and we will all get through this together.
New Talents
I am hearing lots of stories of people learning new skills while they are at home. There are people finding their culinary skills and cooking up a storm and I am going to need proof so please drop your creations on my doorstep.Some people are learning a new musical instrument which will come in handy for all the parties when this is all over. Others have taken up things like knitting, crocheting, writing poetry, books or songs. Have you taken up anything interesting? Why not let me know, you might even inspire others.
Schools Out
A big well done to all our primary and secondary school students who are keeping up their school work on line and doing the assignments which are being sent onto them by their teachers. Well done also to the many teachers in our area who are compiling work for their students to do.
A big well done also to the pupils from Jelly Tots playschool who drew some beautiful pictures of rainbows to brighten up peoples days. These were shown on a special Facebook page in case any of you think that I have been out and about too much.
Thinking Caps
With everything cancelled and on hold there are not many items for me to tell you about so if you have any ideas or would like to wish someone a happy birthday, anniversary, engagement then please let me know and lets spread some good news. You can contact me on 087 9838392 or spillanelinda2017@gmail.com please by Thursday evening of each week.