Church News
We have three masses each weekend for you to choose from. Mass is celebrated every Saturday morning at 10am and on Saturday evenings at 7.30pm. There is also Sunday morning mass at 9.30am.
If you would like to book one of these weekend masses for a loved one during the month of August then please contact Linda Spillane on 087 9838392.
We are also looking for some new volunteer readers for our weekend masses. We are so grateful to all those who already volunteer but I know that there are many more lovely speakers out there. You would not be expected to read every weekend but only when it suited you. If you feel like you could help out then please contact Linda Spillane on 087 9838392.
Birthday Boy
We send warmest birthday wishes to John Whelan, Matthews Cross who recently celebrated his 40th birthday. I’m sure John celebrated in style and is probably still celebrating. I have no doubt that his wife Joanne and children Tom and Penny made sure that he was spoiled on the day. I’m sure he probably received a chorus of Happy Birthday from all his little friends in Kiddies Kingdom. We wish John many more happy birthdays and hope that he enjoyed his special celebrations.
Married Bliss
I would like to extend special wedding anniversary wishes to my sister Mary and her husband Eamonn O Leary who recently celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary. Still blissfully happy and all loved up, the couple celebrated at home in Kilmagemogue with lots of good wishes coming their way from family and friends. We all wish them both many more years of good health and happiness.
Down the road in Blacknock Michael and Marian Murray celebrated 34 years of wedded bliss and I’m sure their sons Dean and Gary made sure they made their day special. I have no doubt that Gary made that all important call all the way from Australia, where we hope he is doing well. I have no doubt that grandson David provided enough hugs to cover all the family. We hope Michael and Marian enjoy many more happy and healthy years together.
A Little Princess
I am a bit late finding out about this happy news but this baby girl even surprised her parents by arriving early. Claire and Willie Gough welcomed their beautiful baby girl Olivia into the world on Fathers Day and what a gift for her daddy to receive. Claire is formerly Claire Flynn from Adamstown and I have no doubt that Nanny Maureen will have no bother providing babysitting services. I met very proud Grandaunt June recently and so I got a sneaky look at a photo of the beautiful Olivia. She is most certainly a gorgeous little princess and we look forward to meeting her when she is visiting Kilmeaden. We wish this happy little family every happiness for the future.
Ballyduff GAA
There is lots of activity taking place in Ballyduff GAA with lots of training sessions and matches across all the different age groups with lots of fun being had by all. Take a look at their Facebook page and keep up to date with all the happenings.
Friday Football runs weekly to provide an option of learning extra technical skills in advance of the upcoming season. This is open to all boys and girls born between the years 2009 and 2013 and takes place every Friday evening from 6.15pm to 7.15pm. If you would like some more information please contact Mairead Cremin or Nina Walsh.
Pump It Up!
It’s wonderful to see another wonderful amenity in Kilmeaden. Just across the road from Centra you will find new bicycle stands joined by a pump station to pump up the wheels of your bicycle, pushchair or wheelchair. Councillor John O Leary made representation to the council for this under the smarter travel initiative. This initiative is to accommodate the growth in the use of electric bikes incorporating e-bike charging station including secure storage and locking points for bicycle users. The station is also equipped with some tools you may need to fix or adjust your bike. Many cyclists pass through Kilmeaden daily and this is a fantastic facility to have in the area .